👋 你好,我是Rico,欢迎订阅我的课程《Rico学AI:掌握make自动化工作流》系列课程。Hello, I am Rico. Welcome to subscribe to my paid column series “Rico Learns AI: Mastering Make Workflows”
你好呀,我是Rico,欢迎订阅《Rico学AI:掌握 make自动化工作流》系列课程!Make是一款强大的、能够完全可视化操作的自动化工作流。
我们日常工作中,哪些重复的、繁重的、时间成本高的工作,都可以通过自动化工作流的方式来解决,尤其是在AI 时代,学会使用自动化工作流,就相当于,你拥有一位,能够帮你工作的数字员工,他不仅能够帮你做报表、写文案、写方案、做图片,甚至还能自动化发消息、发邮件、发送到知识库,只有你想不到,没有它做不到。
通过本课程,您将从基础到高级,系统化地学习如何使用 Make 的各种功能,不需要写代码,也不需要你拥任何编程经验。无论您是职场达人,还是希望降低运营成本的企业管理者,学习 Make 自动化工作流,都将为您打开全新的自动化世界。立即加入吧,开启您的自动化之旅。



使用手机微信(WeChat),扫描下方二维码,进入【Rico的AI工作流小店】,了解专栏详情,获取最新优惠,如果系列课程正是你所需要的,请毫不犹豫的下单吧,我们一起玩转自动化工作流!Use your mobile WeChat to scan the QR code below, enter 【Rico’s AI Workflow Store】, learn about the details of the column, and get the latest discounts. If this series of courses is exactly what you need, don’t hesitate to place your order. Let’s dive into the world of automated workflows together!

1.1 当你下单成功后,你的订单页面会显示【预留电话】和【订单编号】两项标识,该两项标识将作为你领取课程的凭证。After successfully placing an order through WeChat Store, your order page will display two identifiers: [Reserved Phone Number] and [Order Number]. These two identifiers will serve as your proof for receiving the course.
1.2 请使用微信扫描下方二维码,添加Rico好友,添加成功后,请将订单截图发送给Rico。Please use WeChat to scan the QR code below to add Rico as a friend. After successfully adding, please send a screenshot of your order to Rico.
1.3 核实【预留电话】和【订单编号】后,邀您您进入学员微信群,进入微信群后,请你认真查看群公告,遵守群规则。After verifying the [reserved phone number] and [order number], you are invited to join the student WeChat group. Once you enter the group, please carefully read the group announcements and adhere to the group rules.

3.1 飞书文档是一个非常优秀的在线学习和知识管理工具,在飞书文档中,不仅可以查看视频、图文课程,你还可以通过评论的方式与其他学员及讲师进行互动交流。点击底部蓝色【进入飞书文档学习】按钮,开启你的学习之旅吧!Feishu Docs is an excellent online learning and knowledge management tool. In Feishu Docs, you can not only view videos and text-based courses, but you can also interact and communicate with other learners and instructors through comments. Click the blue button at the bottom labeled 【Enter Feishu Docs for Learning】 to start your learning journey!
3.2 如果你之前已经有了飞书账号,请直接进行登录。如果你还没有飞书账号,不用担心,系统会自动引导你免费注册一个飞书账号,注册完成后即可登录。If you already have a Feishu account, please log in directly. If you do not have a Feishu account yet, don’t worry; the system will automatically guide you to register for a free Feishu account, and you can log in once the registration is complete!
3.3 第一次登录,还需要你申请阅读权限,在申请权限页面,你需要在“添加备注”中提供【预留电话】或者【订单编号】作为你的权限凭证,然后点击【申请权限】,客服在后台审核通过后,第一时间为你开通学习权限。当然你也可以在微信群中催办开通。For your first login, you will need to apply for reading permissions. On the permission application page, you need to provide either your “reserved phone number” or “order number” in the “Add Remarks” section as your proof of permission. Then click “Apply for Permission.” Customer service will review your application in the background, and once approved, they will grant you study access as soon as possible. Of course, you can also expedite the process by making a request in the WeChat group.

🎉 以上就是了解课程、购买课程、加入微信群、进入学习文档的全部流程了,祝你学习愉快,我们学习群里见!This concludes the entire process of understanding the course, purchasing the course, joining the WeChat group, and accessing the study documents. Wishing you a pleasant learning experience, and see you in our study group!